
Termites: What You Need to Know for Protecting Your Home

Termites are one of the most destructive insects in North America. They destroy homes by eating away at wood and other cellulose-based materials, such as furniture, books, paper goods, and fabric. If you think you have termites or want to know what to do if you find them on your property then this blog post is for you!

What do termites look like?

There are different kinds of termites including subterranean, drywood, and dampwood. Each species has swarmers, ones with wings that fly around and find new places to eat, and soldiers, who are the ones that do the eating. However, the main difference between all of them is where they like to nest. Subterranean termites dig tunnels and build mud tubes into your home whereas drywood and dampwood termites have swarmers that will fly directly into the wood they are going to infest.

Subterranean termites

Subterranean termites are usually black in color and measure about 1/4 to 1/2 inches long. These pests will tunnel under the ground and build mud tubes up into the foundation of your home in order to start feasting.

Drywood termites

These types of termites have a thick waist, short legs, and two antennae. Like their name suggests these termites prefer to snack on drywood that is in and around your home.

Dampwood termites

This kind of termite is much larger than it's subterranean counterparts. Swarmers can grow up to 25mm long, including their wings, and soldiers are usually around 20mm.

Signs of a termite infestation

As a homeowner, you should be aware of some of the signs of a termite infestation. Some that are easy to spot are:

  • Sagging or hollow-sounding wood.

  • Mud tubes in crawlspaces under your home.

  • Discarded wings from swarmer termites.

  • Piles of sawdust near termite entry points in your walls.

How to prevent termites

There are some things homeowners should do to avoid termites. Some of these include:

  • Sealing any cracks in your home's foundation with silicone or polyurethane.

  • Covering the ground around your house, garage, and other structures on your property with 18" pine straw mulch as a natural deterrent to subterranean termites.

  • Don't leave woodpiles sitting directly next to your foundation.

  • Replace any damaged soil or mulch in your yard with fresh material every couple of years to reduce termites' chances of infesting the area.

How to eliminate an active infestation

A termite infestation can be a big headache for many homeowners. If these tips for avoiding it don't work then you may need to contact a local pest control professional like ATCO Pest Control to take care of your infestation for you. With services like their termite removal, you won't need to handle this problem alone.